
AnnObservableCollection<T> Class Members

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Properties  Methods  Events

The following tables list the members exposed by AnnObservableCollection<T>.

Public Constructors
AnnObservableCollection<T> ConstructorOverloaded.   
Public Properties
Count (Inherited from System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection<T>)
Item (Inherited from System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection<T>)
Protected Properties
Items (Inherited from System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection<T>)
Public Methods
Add (Inherited from System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection<T>)
Clear (Inherited from System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection<T>)
Contains (Inherited from System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection<T>)
CopyTo (Inherited from System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection<T>)
GetEnumerator (Inherited from System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection<T>)
IndexOf (Inherited from System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection<T>)
Insert (Inherited from System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection<T>)
MoveMoves an item to a new index.  
Remove (Inherited from System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection<T>)
RemoveAt (Inherited from System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection<T>)
ToArrayGets the item of this collection as an array.  
Protected Methods
ClearItemsOverridden. Clears the collection.  
InsertItemOverridden. Inserts an item into this collection.  
MoveItemMoves an item to a new index.  
OnCollectionChangedFores the CollectionChanged event.  
RemoveItemOverridden. Remove an item from the collection.  
SetItemOverridden. Sets an item in the collection with a new value.  
Public Events
CollectionChangedOccurs when the collection changes.  
See Also


AnnObservableCollection<T> Class
Leadtools.Annotations.Core Namespace



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